Introducing: Gift Card Email Builder

With our new eGift Outreach Email Builder, you can now build your email and send to your recipients all inside our app.

 min. read
April 17, 2024
Introducing: Gift Card Email Builder

Bold Xchange is on a mission to make the most of limited budget and time—we help you get more meetings, make more sales, and retain more customers in less time and with less money. Our new eGift Outreach Email Builder takes this a huge step forward.

In addition to our Create a Link option, you can now build your email and send to your recipients all inside our app. No more switching between tabs or going through another email client. Now you can create your campaigns and send them all in one place.

Integrating with your campaign process

If you’ve been using Bold Xchange since the beginning, you’re already familiar with our link builder. It allows you to create a campaign and send a link to it via text message or email. But why switch to another app?

Instead, you can now create and send the entire campaign with just one app. Follow our campaign builder flow as normal, adding your recipient and the corresponding gift card options. Then, use our new email builder to draft the message.

Worried about what your recipients will see on their end? We would, too. That’s why our builder also offers a real-time preview of the message, including subject line, preview text, the egift link, and the footer that’s included in all our messages.

Faster, stronger connections = more, better meetings

Sales is a numbers game—but in a time of oversaturated inboxes and overstimulated prospects, quality can mean just as much as quantity. That’s why we don’t just focus on helping you crank out as many messages as possible (though our app will help you go faster!).

We’re also committed to helping you create stronger offers for better outcomes. If you’re going to spend time building these campaigns, they should pack a punch.

Interested in creating punchier campaigns? Learn more about our Custom-Curated eGift Lists here.