We help you send local eGift cards in just a few clicks.

Easily thank clients, prospects, and partners when it matters most.

Bold Xchange app screenshot

Trusted by well known organizations

A-list sales reps maximize networks with Bold Xchange

You need a tool that manages touchpoints with your contacts—one that sends and tracks thoughtful messages to keep you top of mind.

Build Better Business Relationships

From cold outreach to customer retention, you have to break through a lot of noise to stay top of mind. Bold Xchange boosts response rates using eGift cards to local businesses—contextual, thoughtful outreach with lightning fast efficiency.

Give Them What They Really Want

Bold Xchange features an extensive collection of small business eGift cards. Imagine your prospect or client’s response when you offer them a gift card to the coffee shop across the street from their office or a favorite restaurant in their neighborhood.

Leverage Data to Boost Connection

The best reps are persistent while adding value. The Bold Xchange dashboard enables you to monitor engagement and eGift usage, ensuring that prospects who are clearly on the fence get that next call or email at the perfect moment.

Bold Xchange customer testimonial

“I’m always looking for ways to better engage with prospects. In Bold Xchange, I found a unique way to stand out and start more conversations.”

Zach Warner
Vice President, Employee Benefits Consultant
Bold Xchange customer testimonial

Designed for every sales stage

A swiss army knife for building real business relationships.

For Cold Outreach

Prospects don't want more spam. Offer something they can use: a contextual, inexpensive eGift to a local favorite.

For Warm Outreach

After a great discovery call—or to check in with a strong lead—send a touch point that'll leave a lasting impression.

For Center of Influence Recognition

Sometimes a partner referrals lead to the best deals. Keep relationships strong with a memorable thank you.

For Customer and Client Appreciation

Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, renewals, and more—perfect opportunities to show your clients you care.